Christmas in Hell is a The Simpsons‘ writer’s rebellion to the Christmas musical genre. On Christmas Eve an 8-year-old is mistakenly taken down to Hell. When he returns, not only has he missed Christmas (“Somebody Owes Me a Christmas” in oompah Old-World music), but he is devilishly changed. To set things right, his father embarks on a hilarious and outrageous odyssey (“There is Nothing More That I Can Say” is the aria from the nun who helps/doesn’t) that eventually leads him down to Hell itself (dangerous? “Nobody Knows” is the group chorale cheer) where amongst the damned (cue the suffering torch song “When Your Hands are Too Big“) he makes a wager with Lucifer (troubled in the cringey ballad “Mine“) he can’t possibly win. Unless the power of love prevails (the slow build showtune “More Than Cheese“). Personally, i woulda left the nasty kid behind–he was originally a bad’un, as confided by his teacher in “Mrs. Huvey’s Complaint.” BLUE ALERT for a spell.