Melissa Sanley has found a “Christmas Recipe,” but–as you might expect from cheesy pop music–it’s a Kindergarten teacher’s list: 2 Cups of Joy; A pinch of Cinnamon; A lot of Smiles… and more. Hoo boy.
Ivor Biggun plays a disgruntled mall Santa who must withstand a gallon or two of bodily fluids evacuated onto their laps. No wonder “Christmas Makes Me Spew.” Music hall shenanigans.
White teen rapper Dripz gets his scoff on with “Christmas is Overrated.” Queueing up in 2°c is just the beginning of his complaint list.
Hey there, weather lady, begins ZuCo in the jazzy R+B plea “Save a Little Snow for Christmas.” An inch or two Thanksgiving Day isn’t enough. White Christmas, got it?
Transitioning off the interstate onto the two-lane road is how you know you’re into a “Hometown Christmas.” That and Allie Aro’s nasal country octave rolling.
Interesting rap from DJ Zenas celebrates all the quirks of Christmas: Cousin ain’t actin a foo’ yet On the floor doin my two step. “For the Holidayz” offers R+B glee, see?
More out of the house, travel guide Nick Lawrence takes us to a “Merry Christmas from San Antone.” Mashed country (blues, boogie woogie, mariachi) offers to go riverwalking… Or two step out to the hill country. Whatever gets you there, dawg.
R+B pop from Sydeajah offers “Dance with Me (This Christmas).” Not much of a dance rhythm, but she’ll work it out: We can two step from west to east, Just Dance with me.
One for the money, two for the show, run run Rudolph don’t be slow, goes the boogie woogie of Lenne Brothers Band in the oh baby “Teddy Boy Season’s Greetings.” Boot scootin’ fun.