Five hours can be an inconvenience during the hurly burly of the holidays. Andrew Erlagen country whines about how more family will arrive; We’ll all hear from uncle bob and his three hour drive And how all because of traffic It was closer to five in “That’s How You Know It’s Christmas.” Pretty comfy song overall.
Time can get away from you. Macklemore raps And now we stringing the lights up… Five hours later, we stringing the lights up. “It’s Christmastime” is some kind of inside joke for this crazy-ass family. Get it?
Shark Uppercut is BACK with holiday side effects. “Five Past Turkey” is the electronic warning that this guy is second-slice-of-pie done. Heed, all.
Pleasant Grove is wondering where the hell are you? Wishing for “Five Minutes of Snow…” But the snow will never come. Garage bummer.
Miss Freedia had a time when she “Smoked Out with Santa.” By the time the munchies hit: Imma take you to some food cuz I know its finger lickin’–We went to Man-Chu we got the 5 minute chicken. More parody foolishness than actual rap.
Big Eazy is feeling it the next morning: Can I please sleep in for just 5 more–5 More minutes is really all I need To fill this sleepy heart with glee. Tiny Dancer offers to smack him, though. Country jounciness for “On This Beautiful Christmas Day.”