Sweaters aren’t so bad this time of year. Practical.
The Original Farquand Boys thank Mom for the “California Christmas Sweater“–it’ll keep ’em warm in this weather. It’s really really neat. Fine rock.
Pentatonix knows the value of a Christmas wraparound during “Sweater Weather.” A cappella hip hop about the holes in their sweaters. Lift your arms!
Kyle Stoneman asks that you “Put on Your Sweater for Christmas.” There’s no time that’s better. Garbled pop, but in a good way.
Sounding awful matter of fact Adrian Cohen accepts that “Eddie Vedder Christmas Sweater” are trademarks for my (in monotone) ‘favorite day of the year.’ Orchestrated pop that labels the item of clothing ‘ugly’ without acrimony. 5th stage of death and dying.
At first the joy of loving that “Ugly Christmas Sweater” can’t be beat. Tiffany Blom (and Thomsen friends), however, have nothing but grief from all that frivolity. (After three minutes of song, there’s an odd psychotic pschydelic killing spree.)
For some, Xmas is terrible. Except for the glorious ugly “Christmas Sweater.” AAA Girls are the queens to show you up.