Tree is symbol. What else around Xmas is symbol?
Jimmy Dooley spells it out with electric gospel in “The Cross is My Christmas Tree.” Spoiler alert, dude! This is only his day of birth!
Now with more soul, Byron Hill croons “The Cross is My Christmas Tree.” Different song, same guiltifying.
“God’s First Christmas Tree” from Primitive Quartet also nails a lamb up there for decoration is harmony. Guys!! The season!!
The Greenes drape “The First Christmas Tree” with blood as well. Beautiful singing, fellas.
Barbara Mandrell sings “He Grew the Trees” meaning god provided the means to his own demise. So, not so much with Christmas, but more explanation for those who haven’t been following.
Dennis Jernigan’s “The Very First Christmas Tree” more gently hoists up man-as-God onto the branches for your celebration. Tinkly piano show tune.