Behold a Star: Elvis Presley

I don’t believe Elvis Aaron Presley needs introduction.

Christmas songs ABOUT Elvis get a corner here:

The Christmas Pranksters belabor “The First No-Elvis” to remind the kids of the King.

Bob Rivers snarks one in with a Binging “There’s a Santa Who Looks a Lot Like Elvis.” That’s where he went!

More contemporaneously are the dedications to Elvis:

Mad Milo twerks the DJ comedy (just like Buchanan & Goodman) sampling rock singles in a mock interview bit “Elvis for Xmas.” I guess this comedy stuff is not as easy as it looks.

Eddie Cochran and the Holly Twins twist and shout “I Want Elvis for Christmas.” (Blog repeat!)

Several other torch singers oopeedoo “I Want to Spend Christmas with Elvis” including Little Lambsie Penn, Debbie Dabney (or is that Marlene Paula? Yeah, Paula’s her stage name!), and the updated Stella Jones and some other unnamed coconspirator.

Michele Cody gets sad and lonely (and creepy) with “Merry Christmas Elvis.” This nine-year-old is terminal and praying to sing with dead Elvis in heaven. (Although she does more talking than singing.) Eeek!