Achieving altered states, leaving the bodily plane, getting messed up is not the sole provenance of alcohol. Also looping in are many other recreational pharmaceuticals. Partiers partake around the festivals of wintertime for their own reasons, some not completely of their own volition. So let us take a step back and solemnly observe the psychedelic in forms leafy or pill, tab or syringe, patch or line as pertains to Christmas. In novelty song form, natch. [NO RECOMMENDATION OR CONSIDERATION EXCEPT IN HUMOR IS BEING AFFORDED TO ANY DRUGS: CARTELS, BIG PHARMA, ADDICTION ALL SUCK.]
I don’t mean to blur the lines, but the headiness of the holy celebrations might cause out of body altered states just pondering the miracles of the meaningfulness of the month. Paperbacks plays out that wild abandon with “Let’s Get Lit” like a Christmas Tree. No actual drugs are indicated, only goof-foolery. And we don’t want this month to be only about idiocy.

To indicate the seriousness of the subject matter we shall begin with the ’12 Days’ gateway parody, largely unfunny (unless you’re already high) and mostly lacking in wit or purpose. If these scare you straight, then so be it.
Purportedly Jack Black’s Tenacious D walk through their “12 Drugs of Christmas,” which is tagged as originally by Mushroom Tabernacle Choir back in the ’70s, when it had more giggle-impact.
Slightly more updated, Cypherden fetes Breaking Bad with “12 Days of Drugs.” This is more in-joke than actual narcotic reference. Sung like he knows better.
More lively, well more Renn Faire, come PlastGresham with “12 Days of Stoner Christmas.” This is more about the less illicit, or at least more recently decriminalized, drugs of choice. (Also grass-centric are “The 12 Tokes of Christmas” by Brandy Wakelam–gleeful; “12 Days of Weedmas” by Zar, Thaddeousz, and Crypton the Creature–amateur hour; “12 Blunts of Christmas” by Uncle E–monotonous.)