Felice Avian: participation

What’s better than seeing the reindeer fly? Saddling up and going along!

From the ‘Madeline and Santa’ soundtrack, the precocious girl admits in kidsong “I’ve Always Dreamed of Flying

with Santa.” Privilege has its rewards.

Pete the Elf shared with me (oh say about forty years ago) Little Jerry and “I’m Gonna Learn to Ride a Reindeer.” Holy moly was kidsong different back in the day.

These days songs are ironically rude and adorably foul mouthed. BLUE ALERT for Kyle Dunnigan (feat. Craig and Kurt Pullin) as an arrogant CW singer introducing his challenged brother to sing about the “Honkeytonk Reindeer.” At some point there may be riding (and dinosaurs)….

Overplayed novelty Christmas music may suffer from sequelitis. But “Santa’s Letting Grandma Fly the Xmas Sleigh” is the garage punk remonstration you did not expect. They claim a lotta fun. You’ll see.