X-claim: hey (pt. 7)

Saved the HEY! best for HEY!! last. HEY!!! ‘Cause shouting HEY in Christmas songs never gets too annoying.

Call me a softie, but Wells Cathedral School Records put all their overachievers together for a mishmash of holiday glitz “Hey Ho, It’s Christmas I Know.” It’s a mess, but a special episode of Glee mess.

Backroom Stereo band rocks the laid back alt fun out of “Hey Ho Ho Ho.” It’s that kind of party.

1960s scat pop revives in Merrill Nisker’s “Hey Ho Christmas.” Wired shenanigans.

1980s soulful syncopop from York Patrick expresses a breathy cheer “Hey Soon It’s Christmastime.” It should repel, but the insistent backbeat gets to me. Cuddling, hmm-mmm.

Hey! Look! It’s Christmas (Christmas has Finally Gone Away)” had me at existential dread. Handclapping and ironic, mechanical pop shove the sentiment out of the way. That, Kimo Nevius, is that.