ad silentnitum, gowiththeflow

When will the repeating Xmasses end? Never, that’s the point.

Another Very Darko Christmas” is not so much rap as monologuing about the wrongs done to Jumbled (feat. Darko the Super) over the years. Huh?

Hepcat bongo insistence marks “Go Trim Another Tree.” James Apollo has my attention. Blues? Rockabilly? Show tune? Don’t come ’round here–at all.

Another Christmas” by Amanda Jenssen is a pokey cowboy jazz number about missing the Rudolph out of you. (Wait–threesome?) Blowzy blues.

More experimental altrock. Time slows and speeds with the vertiginous tempo of Tan LeRacoon’s “Just Another Christmas Wish.” Not sure if this is sad or hopeful… Wish for more wishes!!