Merry Criminals! arrested

The long arm of johnny law is still reaching in late December. So don’t think you’ll be getting away scott free, you dick.

Taking the high horse, The Christmas Pranksters rewind us to 2009 with a ridiculous Christmas shopper thinking he can buy what he wants (Tickle Me Elmo) when no one else can. “Arrest That Ragin’ Gentleman” is caroldy that’s sing-song sweet, but past its sell-by date.

The usual suspects includes that old breakin’ and enterin’ bagman. Bob Gronowski’s “Santa Claus Got Busted” is a swingin jazz tribute to a misunderstanding of tears and cheer. (Quitcher drinkin’, Santa!)

Santa Got Busted by the Border Patrol” has its country pop fun with the transport system, but don’t worry, kids, Kevin Fowler (feat. Ray Benson)’ll work it all out!

Mr. Cork plays with the consequences of when “Santa Claus Got Busted!” This hand-clappin’ electric piano rap blues gets a bit graphic, boys and others. Be careful.

Even more tragic, when “Santa Got Arrested” Arrogant Worms run the whole procedural through a sad pop song of The End of Christmas As We Know It. Oh No!