Sick of Christmas: syphilis

Here’s a popular throwback to the thrilling days of barebackin’ holiday hookups.

Rockin’ Around the Syphilis Tree” is a curiosity from Andy and Mandy which wants to make up in timely girl-vengeance what it lacks in talent and cleverness. Jasmyn Neubert is a bit wittier if no more professional in “Syphilis Sucks” (to the same tune).

Steve Juno goes high with “I Got Syphilis for Christmas.” Not high road, it’s more finger pointing. But his pop warbling is pretty up there.

“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Syphilis” is awfully catchy. Renee Belsky is a med student with a pokey sense of fun. John Valby does his coarse, crude homophobic thing. The Fabulous Four Skins get us a bit more medical again with their barbershop quartet remonstrating.